Dr. Alexander Buchholz

Senior Applied Machine Learning Scientist
Amazon Music Machine Learning

About me

I am an Applied Machine Learning Scientist in Amazon Music's machine learning team in Berlin. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Biostatistics Unit of the Medical Research Council at the University of Cambridge, working with Sylvia Richardson. I completed a PhD in applied mathematics at the Center for research in economics and statistics (CREST), Paris supervised by Nicolas Chopin. The topic was on high dimensional Bayesian computation, with a focus on improving Monte Carlo simulations for models with numerous parameters to be inferred. From October 2017 to April 2018 I visited Pierre E. Jacob at the Department of Statistics at Harvard University. I did my graduate studies in economics, mathematics and statistics under the double degree program of Humboldt University Berlin and ENSAE ParisTech.

My research during PhD and postdoc focused on computational Bayesian methods such as Monte Carlo methods and approximate inference. At Amazon Music I work on recommender systems such as learning-to-rank, contextual bandits and off-policy evaluation and learning. I am also interested in causal inference and online experimentation.


Working Papers



I've had the pleasure of assisting in teaching several courses (i.e. teaching the tutorials), here are some.

I entirely held the following classes (lecture + tutorial):


Invited Presentations

Research Presentations

Poster Presentations